
Children's Fiction
Canadian Edition

Crossing the Farak River

Michelle Aung Thin

A gripping story of one child’s experience of the refugee crisis in Myanmar.

So many Rohingyas are gone, how will Hasina survive? Will her parents return? Hasina must find the courage to save her family amid the escalating conflict that threatens her world and her identity.

AU Edition
Hasina: Through My Eyes

The Monsoon Bride

Michelle Aung Thin

On the night train to Rangoon, a young woman is travelling into a new life…

Winsome is just married and filled with anticipation. Her new husband is a stranger—one of the suitors chosen for her and the other mixed-race girls from the men who apply to the orphanage. But as the night train rattles towards her new home she sees possibility in this uncertain destiny. She knows she is headed for a new life in the metropolis.


Meet Me at the Intersection

Edited by Ambelin Kwaymullina and Rebecca Lim

An anthology of short fiction, memoir and poetry by authors who are First Nations, People of Colour, LGBTIQA+ or living with disability.

With works by Ellen van Neerven, Alice Pung, Omar Sakr, Rebecca Lim, Michelle Aung Thin and more, this anthology is designed to challenge the dominant, homogenous story of privilege and power that rarely admits ‘outsider’ voices.


Joyful Strains: Making Australia Home

Edited by Kent MacCarter & Ali Lemer

Joyful Strains collects twenty-seven memoirs from writers describing their expatriation to Australia.

These are stories about what they found, who they became and what they now think of Australia – stories that provide entertainment, perspective and cause to celebrate our increasingly diverse nation. This is an insightful, compelling and sometimes confronting collection for all Australians.